
Mai Stor
Welcome! The name is Mai Stor - a 20 y/o gal who lives in Israel, the holy land, and enjoys nothings more than taking cute pics, traveling the country and the world and eating (a lot). Hope you'll find what you're looking for and stick around for a while!

♥ welcome to my blog! ♥

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So... Am I back?

I don't even know what to say lol. I suddenly felt feeling of longing for the blog. I want to keep going with it, but it does take a lot of work and time. The only problem is that I don't have a lot of time and energy to work on it. I'm in the end of 11th grade, which is pretty hectic- I have 4 finals in the next couple of months and I can't wait to get them done. I thought maybe I can try do posts using my iPhone 6 camera- let me know if you'd want to see that- that can be a lot easier for me because the posts can be a bit spontaneous and I can find a lot more joy in posting. I feel lately that I'm coming back to myself- I have felt for a while despondent, I had some unpleasant things that were going on in my life, so I guess that was one reason why I didn't keep up with the blog. But now, I have started a workout plan, and I study a lot and I'm going to get a job and I feel better with life in general- therefore I believe I can post on the blog! I do have 2 outfit posts on the wait (one is the picture above- here's a sneak peek for you), so I'll make sure to post them real soon and take a lot more pictures. By the way- my birthday is in one month and a day and I'm excited af. Though I can't get the best of it, because I have a huge history test the next day. Oh well I guess I'll have to survive through this. 
Also I didn't get the chance to post here during new years, and it's almost half ended... Anyway- I wish you a happy new year. lol. ♥

xoxo, Mai ♥
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  1. Love your blog, have followed you on GFC :) x

  2. You are beautiful!
    Your blog is such an inspiration!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your kind comment!<3 Of course, I want to follow each other)) I'm following you on GFC now, hope you follow back :)

  3. Yay, sweater weather is definetely here in chicago! Love the look :)

  4. Oh my Mai. You are so pretty. You resemble Lerida of Brave. Loving the curly ginger hair of yours. I would like to have the same. Hihi.

    P.S: Loving your blog too and followed you on GFC already. :)

    Spices + Everything Nice |

  5. love the sweater!

  6. You're so stunning omg, love your hair X

  7. great shot! Welocome back!

  8. I totally understand the pressure and stress of keeping a blog while going to school! Stick with it.

    xoxo, ♥

  9. You look so good!

    I just followed you on GFC xx♥


  10. Do whatever makes you feel you. Iphone shots will be super cool and keep working on your blog because I love it!

    I was going through this as well, you will survive it all!


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